In Domino Farms is an agro business subsidiary of In Domino Agro-Business Limited located in the dens of Idanre Village.
Created in 2011 by our founder, a seasoned mechanical engineer with over 25 years in the oil & gas industry as his retirement passion project. He quickly grew the family business into a thriving venture with our layer farm as the principal focus.
The core of our business being our layer farm, our raise pigs for meat, produce palm oil; rear snails fro sale and catfish for wholesale and retail buyers. The company is well on its way in positioning itself to be a leading agricultural commodity exporting company in Nigeria.
We breed our products naturally. No Additives. No Preservatives.
Our commitment is to your health and satisfaction. We adhere to quality standards in our day-to-day relationships.
Discover the full potential of our farm with our
seasoned team of agricultural specialists.